Saturday, July 22, 2017

TeamBANGAN #ProjectVlog#1


Each one of has different characteristics and traits, that’s what makes us unique from the others. Everyday, we encounter new people in our lives with different personalities, it may be good or bad and we may like them or not, but that’s okay because we have to accept the fact that we are all different. That’s why we made a video of us demonstrating each of our own top strength. We call ourselves the team bangan, we enjoy each other’s company that’s why we became friends. And now we want to tell you and introduce to you who we really are. First, you’ve seen a girl who appreciates the beauty of the place, her name is Claire and like her trait, she is beautiful as well because she always see beauty in everything.Second, someone is bringing smiles to everyone especially to us, her friends. She never fails to make us laugh, that’s Natasha. Third, is Johanna, she is always curious about the world. She is usually the one who explores a lot and well ofcourse, asks a lot. Fourth, this girl loves to learn something new, her name is Evegail and she’s always the fearless one among us because she is not afraid to try something new.. Lastly,Amberleen is the caring one, she is really sensitive when it comes to us, she instantly knows when something is wrong and she’s the best because she provides us with food when she knows we are hungry. You see, our group is like a full package, but despite all of those great characteristics, there is always a catch, and that is what you call imperfections. Human beings as we are, all have that, and we, the team bangan, accept each other even if we have those imperfections because that’s what friends are for.

Appreciation of beauty and excellence
Do you fancy the rain? The clouds? The city lights? If not, do you fancy anything?Beauty, unfortunately isn’t seen nor appreciated by everyone. But there is beauty everywhere even the smallest particles has its own definition of beauty and every single livingorganism holds a beauty within itself. It is clearly visible on our very own mother earth where the tree composes the greenest color. Where the sea wavily initiates different forms of it, and where the sky is creatively a masterpiece. I appreciate the little things in little ways, because every single detail is worth appreciating.The beauty in simple gestures and its unique sincerity. As I look up to the skies, It warms my heart inside and every time it rains I can't help but feel safe. I love nature as much as I love appreciating every bit of it. You see, not all people has the same perspective on the same painting. A painting itself has its own mysteries which are decoded by someone who unknowingly unlocks it.

Humor and Playfulness

That’s probably why I think I’m always pretty, but no really, I’m just kidding. I am the type of person who likes to put a smile on a person’s face, I like to make people laugh. I don’t exactly know why but maybe that’s just me and maybe that’s the reason why one of my top strengths is humor and playfulness. It satisfies me everytime I am able to make a person happy, because life is too short to be sad and worry about things that are not permanent. Someday, we are all going to die and the best way to enjoy life is to be happy and to be contented. I’m not saying that we should not take everything seriously and pretend everything is always fine, but my point is we have to balance our problems in life because they are all temporary, and if you worry too much about that, you’ll miss your chance to be happy. That’s why I always try my best to make people smile even at the darkest point of their lives.

Curiosity and interest in the world

There are so many questions that come up in our minds when we are curious of the things that we don’t know. In order to have an answer of those questions, we have the capacity to explore and discover the world to know more about it. As we explore and discover the world, we also learned new things. Exploring is learning. We don’t just learn in school or at home but we also learn from our surroundings and environment. There are still many things that we need to discover especially the world. Let us explore the world and discover more about it!

Love of learning

As you can see at the video, I wanna go to the museum to learn new things. Learning is fun for me. Because I don't want to be ignorant. And learning is part of growing. Upon learning, you can also learn how life works.

Capacity to love and be loved

Love/care is one of the most important thing to us because it shows kindness, compassion and affection. Love can develop in different way through actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. In my own opinion, love is like caring to others because it shows how your kindness or concern with your love one and it represents how you love with that person.